
I am a big fan of Warm ups. Some people are not. When I am working out my clients, I will spend 15 minutes of our 45-60 minute sessions warming up. Not only does this mean that I have never injured a client, but it also lays the foundation for a monstrously good workout. Enclosed are videos on how to Foam Roll and some Mobility Drills.

Foam Rolling or Self Myo-Fascial Release is an excellent way of relieving tension, increasing proprioception (body awareness) and improving tissue quality. It can be done before and after a workout, but I encourage to at least do it before. Think of it as a massage or ironing your body. All of our muscles through the inevitable stresses of life, not to mention sitting and driving, kind of f#$%s our bodies up. We inherit scar tissue and adhesions and poor tissue quality. A good foam roller (should cost you about $15 if your gym doesn't have it) is your number one weapon against that. Not only will your body thank you for it, but you will often go from drained to fully alive within 5 minutes of using it. It is really key to getting your mind and body ready for the challenges of these workouts, I can't recommend it enough.

Mobility basically means extending your Range-of-Motion. When you come into the gym, you will have shortened ROM. After you foam roll, you are primed for increasing your ROM. Your tighted, knotted muscles will be relieved and now is the time to repeatedly take them to their maximum length capacity to aid in quality movements within the workout (and life). You are welcome to do your own or to follow the simple Mobility drills in the video. I prefer dynamic (moving) stretches but to each their own. Once you are warmed up, the blood is flowing through your entire being and your are physically and mentally present, you're ready to dominate these workouts.

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