The Werewolf Archetype

Introduction: The Werewolf Archetype

The werewolf is a legend across many cultures. It is defined as a Human with the ability to shape shift into a Wolf. That is why I chose this name for the program. While you may just be a regular human now, YOU WILL have the ability to shift into a wild animal, with latent powers above that of your average gym-goer. The legend came about across many cultures and in different contexts but it was often associated with initiation into the warrior class. It will take time, consistency and patience, but since you're reading this, it’s already happening.

In order to reach such a high level of Savagery, the Werewolf program combines ‘softer’, more 'human' elements i.e. Core, Balance & Endurance to then fuel more animalistic, ‘harder’ ones i.e. Power, Plyos & Brute Strength. After this program, you will have mastered both.

Another mark of the Werewolf is that after their shift back into Human form, they are usually weaker and more docile than they were, even possibly than the average person. Such is the toll of their transformation. Likewise, you will require rest days. You may be quite sore at first. Even if not, you body will have worked hard. AND IT REQUIRES REST. For all phases, there will be 3 days on, and 4 days off on this program. Off days will be discussed further into the program.

Nutrition wise, I do not have any hard requirements because THIS IS A TRAINING PROGRAM. However, there are strong recommendations. I suggest a high meat approach. Red meat is encouraged, but any type of animal protein is fine. If you are vegan/vegetarian, contact me for alternatives. The recommendation is 1g/lb of Protein. Then if you are trying to lose weight I would suggest setting up your macros calories by multiplying your body weight by 13. In this case strength gains will be slower, but they will be there. If you are not trying to lose weight, I would set your calories at 15 x body weight. In both cases, after you have gotten 1g/lb body weight from Protein, the remainder of calories can be divided between Carbs and Fat as you wish. If you are unsure of which to prioritize, give it an even split. This is not a bulking program, so I do not recommend going much higher than 15 x body weight. The exception would be if you are extremely active i.e. an athlete, manual laborer or anyone else who does high intensity work on off days. Even then, exercise good judgement.

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