
I also quickly want to talk to you about the workouts required for WereWolf workouts and what you can expect to see as you transform.

It starts off very simple so anyone can begin. Whilst things may feel awkward at first, you confidence will grow rapidly, just as your body does. You will feel like each time you step into the gym you are better, faster, stronger than the last. You will see progress. What will begin at first with skepticism and maybe even fatigue when you get into the gym, will soon turn to giddy excitement and finally a controlled, but intense rage as you learn to conquer and destroy the exercises in front of you. Like Hercules and his labors, you will vanquish what is front of you and finish each session electrified and thirsty for more. Yet just as your body masters one part of the program, you will be moved on to the next before things become stale or routine.

It is important to leave the gym with something in the tank. The intensity will be high, but so will your recovery. I see a lot of people aking the mistake of doing too much volume (sets) in the gym and their sessions take too damn long. You should not be working out for more than 60 minutes, including warm up. Get in, destroy and get out. Then let your body heal and transform. The more you can have faith in incredible intelligence of your body and its ability to recover and grow, the stronger and more successful you will become. So if you are used to 2 hour marathon sessions and are stuck in a rut, have an open mind and stick to the program. What we are going for is complete attention and intensity within each set. That will lead to a higher Quality workout, without the Quantity. Less is more. But, that only works if you are prepared to give 100% focus, attention and effort to the sets you do. So have respect for each workout, and bring your best.

Complete and Continue